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Patients who have skin that is naturally thick and oily tend to have larger pores. As you get older, too, sun damage and decreased skin elasticity can cause pores to dilate and look much larger. The skin thickens, causing tiny cells to collect around the edge of the pores which also make them look larger. Blackheads are also a big contributor to large pores. When the pore becomes clogged by dirt,  bacteria and oil within the pore begins to accumulate, causing the pore's diameter to expand.

How can one improve enlarged pores?

The good news is that the appearance of large pores can be greatly reduced in a number of ways. For example,

In-Office Therapies:

Any treatment or products that increase the collagen content of the dermis will improve the size of the pores.

At Skin Renewal, we offer combinations of collagen inducing treatments to treat enlarged, dilated pores. These include:

A monthly light, affordable maintenance treatment with Microdermabrasion and transdermal mesotherapy can go a long way to prevent enlarged pores from forming. Separately each clinical application presents a powerful solution for the most in-demand, fastest-growing procedure with no downtime.
